About us
Who We Are
Apricus Realty Capital is a boutique commercial real estate investment firm focused on institutional quality properties in the major Texas markets--Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and Houston.
We bring deep experience and extensive local knowledge to the table. A broad array of talent and skills, combined with significant investment and operating expertise.
Apricus is affiliated with the operating platform of Dallas-based Younger Partners (www.youngerpartners.com). The Younger relationship with years of commercial real estate operating experience in the Lone Star State allows Apricus to provide the technical operating execution and market knowledge few deliver.

Success Stories

Republic Center, Dallas
During the first ten months of the assignment, the team accomplished the following:
- Completed deals totaling 112,000 RSF.
- Created the highest leasing velocity of any Dallas CBD office building.
- Decreased operating expenses approximately $1.0 million through competitive bidding and operating efficiencies.
The AIA deal at Republic Center was awarded the 2017 Deal of the Year for Neighborhood Impact by Dallas Business Journal.
Two American Center, Tyler, Texas
The team worked for (time period?) on the project, accomplishing the following:
- Replaced antiquated pneumatic controls with state-of-the-art digital controls and building automation.
- Conversion resulted in significant operating savings and value enhancement of 4X on initial investment.
- Going “green” reduced energy consumption by 35%.

O’Hare Industrial Portfolio
- 955,000 SF industrial portfolio in Elk Grove Village, Illinois
- Infill industrial portfolio performing below market due to inattentive and capital-constrained ownership.
- Over 15 months, completed 215,000 SF of new and renewal leasing. Occupancy increased from 75% to 89%
3/4 Park Central, Dallas
Because of the efforts of the team, the following was accomplished:
- Occupancy was increased from 29% to 88% within 18 months of takeover
- Raised the effective rental rates by 25% during the same time frame
- Resulted in becoming the submarket leader in activity and showings